
Team: S0RC | Flight: racers

The table below shows how this racer is currently doing compared to their season average. Note that this page must be refreshed manually at the moment.
Races WPM Accuracy
Season 967 137 95.04%
Today 12 136 95.54% --
This week 65 135 95.02%
Races WPM Accuracy Points
Star-Spangled Speed 967 137 95.04% 154710
Spring Sprint 1194 137 95.27% 191451
Mystical March 3231 132 94.55% 506584
Last 5 comps
Races WPM Accuracy Points
Elephant's Camp Comp 65 135 95.02% 10346
Flights Comp 153 135 95.16% 24387
Elephant's Ice Cream Comp 385 137 95.32% 61896
The Elephant on a Bike Comp 47 133 94.80% 7412
The Secret Surfing Elephant Comp 470 137 94.84% 75053
Today's batches (Batch inspector)
Day Batch Races WPM Accuracy
Jun 27 12:00 pm - 12:10 pm 1 148 95.61%
Jun 27 12:20 pm - 12:30 pm 4 133 95.40%
Jun 27 12:30 pm - 12:40 pm 7 136 95.62%
Total 12 136 95.54%
Hint: You can click on a label in a chart's legend to enable/disable the corresponding dataset.
On a roll