Team name: Beehive - Earn Gold
Team captain: Starlight
Officers: Emperor Of The Seas, Shocker, Speed Demon, anon31
Weekly race requirement: 250


We are a NitroType Team established 7/31/2023.

We welcome and reward loyal, committed, honest racers.

We strive to maintain a friendly and fun Discord community.

We do not welcome or reward botters, traders, or account sharers.

Approximately $100M NT Cash comps weekly.

Can earn NT GOLD with 2 month active membership. (See "Earn Gold" page for details.)  

  • 30 races required on join day or kick
  • 7 days of inactivity will auto kick
  • 250 races/week required
  • A Nitrotype ban will automatically ban you from our team permanently

We are a competitive team. If you are not able to commit to our requirements, BEEHVE is probably not a good fit for you. We do regular 7-day Comps. If you miss the 250 for one comp, you will get a pass, but if you miss 2 comps in a row, we will remove you to make room for more competitive racers.