BIBL3 #33

Team name: Allies
Team captain: CeruleanPeachWolf
Officers: -Syntac- , Veni, Vidi, Vici , - Rowan -, - s o u l -, GOD X JESUS LOVES U
Daily race requirement: 40
Weekly race requirement: 200

Our team pages

Kwlak Youtube (Retired & Former Officer)

Former player on BIBL3, VZ, EMZ, ZL, MEYBO, FTU, U8, REBL3S, and many other teams. He contributed a lot to the BIBL3 team and hosted many comps, helped out with events, and donated a lot of cash while on the team. Sadly, he left after losing his spot as officer on the team and joined the team a few more times over the next coming months but never really stayed more than a week in the team. He is also a Nitro Type youtuber whose youtuber channel url is: Kwlak Youtube. He has a been a fundamental player to the Nitro Type community for years and it doesn't seem as if he will stop now. Some of his closest friends or people who really know him have sometimes been known to call him a "legend" which is really surprising as he as been around for years but has neve really received the recognition that he deserves. There's more left in his story and we will see where he ends up in the following years. You can friend him on Nitro Type but going to this link: Kwlak Youtube - Nitro Type Page.