Team name: Lee Know Stans
Team captain: Clancy
Officers: - Madz -

Published 5 months ago

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry if any of you were expecting the team to go active, as we have initially planned. However, it seems with our schedules that being active will not be possible. We still want this to be a chill team and for Stray Kids lovers or really anyone. None of you will be kicked for your inactivity.

Thank you and happy racing!

Published 6 months ago

Hello everyone! If you saw the Message of the Day on Nitro Type, then you must be seeing this. Or, you simply saw the link in our team description. Either way, we welcome you to LIN0.

New members must meet the daily requirement of 20 races within their first day of joining to avoid being kicked. After that, don't be alarmed if you don't meet the daily requirement. Just focus on the weekly requirement. Everyone must make sure they are meeting the weekly requirement of 143 races to avoid being kicked.

Competitions will start once the team continues to grow. Overall, I hope to have some fun on this team and make it a good community for all its members.


Published 6 months ago

GUYS, this is important. Lee Know's thighs are gorgeous.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.