MED13L #53

Team name: Syndrome Awareness
Team captain: ༺JesusLovesYou༻
Officers: dmo4real , exist , Christ-Is-Lord, First Things First, jellybean946

How MED13L is currently running

MED13L welcomes all players on NT and has no requirements except for a minimum of 20 races to join.


To all my wonderful teammates [and if you're not a teammate, I suppose I have no way of preventing you from reading this ;)],

At the moment, MED13L is not exactly competitive with the leaderboards being gone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't race! You can still bring awareness by just having that MED13L tag. I greatly appreciate activity. While I am active, I try to pay out about 250k per every 50 races and have a comp at least monthly (thanks officers!).

When it comes to officers, we're somewhat rotating between different teammates. Remember, my team, if you have any questions or something important you want to say regarding this team or MED13L syndrome, put up the megaphone emoji to one of my MotD's, and I’ll try to promote you to an officer for as long as needed. :)

MED13L is also on Nitro Math. It's mostly inactive during beta, however, and, as of now, serves more as a team chat.

Please do at least one race when you join; when my team fills up, I'm first to remove those who haven't done any races orr those who haven't raced for a while.

Thank you all for staying and helping bring awareness to MED13L syndrome!

❝ Rejoice always ❞ – 1 Thessalonians 5:16