NTV #25

Team name: Nitro Type Veterans
Team captain: Calhoun
Officers: -Kole-, Chazicus
Daily race requirement: 15
Weekly race requirement: 120

Published 2 days ago

Zombie Apocalypse Rules


Black flight = zombies

Green flight = Full health survivors

Orange flight = Injured survivors


This comp spans on multiple days (There will be multiple comps created, 1 for each day).A "day" = 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (USCT)

Day 1

Everyone starts the comp as full health survivors.

If you do less than 20 races per day, you get overwhelmed with zombies and become one of them (you go to the black flight)

If you do 20 races or more, you survive!

All following days

If you do less than 20 races during the day, you become a zombie

If 2 or more zombies (black flight) match or exceed your number of races by the end of a day, you will also transform into a zombie and join the black flight.

Otherwise you survive!

How to earn $$$ as a survivor As a survivor, your goal is to ehm, let me think.. survive! You have to finish ahead of all zombies in the number of races department at the end of the day. If only one zombie matches or exceeds your number of races, you get bitten once but still manage to survive (you become an injured survivor and go to the orange flight). Injured or not, as long as you survive the day, you earn 500k. How to earn $$$ as a zombie As a zombie, your goal is to bite everyone and turn HONT into a zombified team. You earn 200k for every survivor that you beat (or match) in the number of races department at the end of the day. Injured survivors If you start the day as an injured survivor, you have to finish ahead of ALL zombies at the end of the day. If even a single zombie matches or exceeds your number of races, you become a zombie. If you start the day as an injured survivor and still manage to survive, you heal yourself and become a full health survivor. When does it end?

The zombie apocalypse ends if there are no remaining survivors (The zombies win)

Otherwise, the comp ends Wednesday 7 PM USCT (The survivors win)

REMEMBER, a day in the apocalypse is shorter than a normal day. It's from 7 AM to 7 PM (USCT). This means you cannot use the daily tracker as a reference. Use the comp links above instead. Have fun! :-) Finally, if a zombie gets the same number of races as a survivor, it means the zombie managed to reach the survivor and bite them. As a survivor, you must finish the day AHEAD of the zombies.


Published 2 months ago

Welcome to the Comp tracker NTV! Please see the Comps tab of this page for info on current, recent, and planned NTV comps. 


Be sure to bookmark the NTV Website at https://sites.google.com/view/NTV/

You will find important information there including:

  • Team rules
  • Current comp tracker and payouts ("Comps" page)
  • Permanent Flights

Make sure that you are doing your 10 races a day so not to get removed off the team!