R2V #13

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Future-, Chef_Drifty, Da Blue Piano 13k, Darwin, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jun 30th Jun 29th Jun 28th Jun 27th Jun 26th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
7 100 96.75% 1,016
35 100 97.74% 5,124
red_flight 10 103 98.32% 1,489
blue_flight 150 126 98.32% 24,014
5 65 91.10% 605
red_flight 3 104 95.92% 438
19 86 94.90% 2,582
red_flight 17 43 95.27% 1,965
4 72 94.29% 512
red_flight 97 91 94.88% 13,410
red_flight 1 72 92.95% 126
red_flight 15 102 95.92% 2,170
red_flight 3 104 96.83% 441
red_flight 243 103 94.81% 34,861
red_flight 149 91 97.44% 21,125
red_flight 47 104 97.34% 6,956
red_flight 35 79 90.65% 4,427
blue_flight 179 104 85.16% 23,161
blue_flight 216 106 87.44% 28,939
4 79 95.06% 531
red_flight 2 27 96.94% 220
red_flight 67 70 88.40% 7,992
red_flight 78 94 96.15% 11,033
blue_flight 2 104 92.59% 281
8 110 97.70% 1,211
blue_flight 133 105 94.85% 19,247
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,529 90 94.53% 213,876
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 725 93 96.05% 102,880
blue_flight Officers and Captain 680 109 91.67% 95,642

* Days are based on the eastern time zone