R2V #11

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Future-, Chef_Drifty, Da Blue Piano 13k, Darwin, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jul 2nd Jul 1st Jun 30th Jun 29th Jun 28th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
15 92 95.27% 2,086
red_flight 223 107 98.03% 33,579
blue_flight 6 102 88.83% 804
2 103 94.08% 285
red_flight 13 94 96.79% 1,848
3 71 94.08% 382
4 49 96.68% 481
blue_flight 54 77 96.01% 7,187
red_flight 38 88 95.04% 5,208
red_flight 53 109 95.91% 7,849
red_flight 35 44 94.51% 4,032
red_flight 20 105 97.03% 2,961
red_flight 262 91 98.04% 37,402
red_flight 52 32 84.85% 5,111
blue_flight 40 105 85.43% 5,219
blue_flight 1 101 95.71% 144
red_flight 75 93 95.81% 10,521
red_flight 273 79 88.50% 33,643
blue_flight 200 126 98.41% 32,116
blue_flight 313 105 94.09% 44,939
red_flight 11 70 97.57% 1,446
red_flight 47 72 92.24% 5,898
59 99 95.23% 8,408
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,799 88 94.27% 251,549
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 903 84 95.10% 126,349
blue_flight Officers and Captain 614 103 93.08% 90,409

* Days are based on the eastern time zone