R2V #12

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Future-, Chef_Drifty, Da Blue Piano 13k, Darwin, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jul 1st Jun 30th Jun 29th Jun 28th Jun 27th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
31 104 95.60% 4,508
blue_flight 3 101 89.97% 407
red_flight 82 93 95.04% 11,407
red_flight 4 99 95.21% 569
29 84 94.99% 3,916
4 11 95.83% 405
red_flight 35 41 93.44% 3,942
red_flight 31 105 96.72% 4,577
red_flight 91 90 97.76% 12,916
red_flight 267 107 95.45% 39,145
39 31 88.22% 3,967
red_flight 30 78 89.51% 3,736
red_flight 1 90 94.47% 137
red_flight 12 104 97.40% 1,775
blue_flight 329 105 88.75% 44,578
19 103 97.32% 2,799
red_flight 25 69 93.23% 3,136
red_flight 29 86 94.90% 3,942
blue_flight 173 104 95.34% 25,075
152 114 95.22% 22,738
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,386 86 94.22% 193,675
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 847 88 95.00% 119,474
blue_flight Officers and Captain 505 103 91.35% 70,060

* Days are based on the eastern time zone