REBE1S #28

Team captain: REBE1 4 Life
Officers: 20_FCN Road to 15k, CozyDee is 4Kristen, Exodus, JOHN_DOE, YoDevStar
Daily race requirement: 15
Weekly race requirement: 100

Jul 6th Jul 5th Jul 4th Jul 3rd Jul 2nd
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
4 37 89.68% 424
109 60 94.68% 13,399
yellow_flight 377 60 94.07% 46,075
27 49 82.95% 2,783
red_flight 16 82 98.20% 2,219
35 54 93.91% 4,182
12 86 95.78% 1,645
black_flight 5 21 91.36% 506
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
REBE1S 585 56 92.58% 71,233
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight The Velvet Vipers 16 82 98.20% 2,219
yellow_flight The Steel Serpants 377 60 94.07% 46,075

* Days are based on the eastern time zone