TF #112

Team name: Get Eh Load Of This
Team captain: TBZ HUB on YT
Officers: sekt , CrimsonLimeRooster, Fireygreen

Jul 8th Jul 7th Jul 6th Jul 5th Jul 4th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
16 43 94.03% 1,827
8 79 92.30% 1,031
4 32 89.61% 415
3 194 97.10% 575
15 59 94.97% 1,843
7 50 90.84% 795
70 57 89.25% 8,020
5 44 90.73% 553
12 61 81.54% 1,275
7,873 89 96.67% 1,100,399
4,045 73 89.42% 492,888
25 91 92.30% 3,354
6 69 95.53% 771
17 49 94.33% 2,000
80 66 92.94% 9,895
1 106 92.73% 142
1 39 94.83% 113
5 58 93.05% 600
262 76 95.85% 34,656
3 66 93.50% 373
109 49 85.26% 11,577
68 47 88.90% 7,452
31 22 87.83% 3,021
60 13 95.91% 6,116
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
TF 21,167 67 92.06% 3,114,798

* Days are based on the eastern time zone