W2V #26

Team name: On Our Way 2 Victory
Team captain: Liam1265
Officers: , Defalt, KT The Gamer, What the skiibidi, ineedhelp
Daily race requirement: 25
Weekly race requirement: 175

Jul 4th Jul 3rd Jul 2nd Jul 1st Jun 30th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
10 92 93.15% 1,359
red_flight 105 90 95.21% 14,507
orange_flight 80 81 95.30% 10,699
orange_flight 101 91 98.63% 14,498
yellow_flight 38 108 97.61% 5,706
69 66 95.12% 8,721
112 92 97.33% 15,922
red_flight 16 100 97.43% 2,342
1 64 96.61% 128
gray_flight 30 67 89.96% 3,601
blue_flight 21 111 97.76% 3,193
pink_flight 61 94 94.90% 8,524
22 97 96.42% 3,148
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
W2V 666 89 95.80% 92,348
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Red 302 87 96.27% 41,492
blue_flight Blue 21 111 97.76% 3,193
green_flight Green 48 100 95.38% 7,065
yellow_flight Yellow 22 97 96.42% 3,148
gray_flight Gray 31 66 93.28% 3,729
pink_flight Pink 61 94 94.90% 8,524
orange_flight Orange 181 86 96.97% 25,197

* Days are based on the eastern time zone