NTPD1 #24

Team name: Nitro Type Police
Team captain: Captain.Loveridge
Officers: Chef Violin, Dashti, Little Light, _-II_-Peace-_II-_, saitama
Daily race requirement: 10
Weekly race requirement: 50

Recent comps

Comp Starts Ends Teams State
Cross Team Comp S0RC & NTPD1 S0RC, NTPD1 Ongoing
Day 6: Small craft warning! High wind and waves today! S0RC, NTPD1 Ongoing
Day 5: Brisk with a hint of rain in the air S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded
Day 4: Warm, with a light breeze. S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded
Day 3: Looming clouds and sudden wind gusts S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded
Surprise Blitz NTPD1 Concluded
Day 2 Light clouds and wind S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded
Day 1 Weather is sunny and bright, but there are some choppy waves. S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded
Flights Comp S0RC, NTPD1 Concluded