NTPD1 #24

Team name: Nitro Type Police
Team captain: Captain.Loveridge
Officers: Chef Violin, Dashti, Little Light, _-II_-Peace-_II-_, saitama
Daily race requirement: 10
Weekly race requirement: 50

Our team pages


Welcome to NTPD1 Nitro Type Police! We are currently the 10th oldest active team on Nitro Type! Our team cars are pretty much any police car in the game so if you happen to own the Police Bimmer from KOTR then props to you! The other police cars in the game that I know of are the Blitz M6 & The Golden Ticket.

Co-Captain: Dashti

I will be holding regular officer advancement opportunities for this team so the more you are active, the more likely you'll get to be a part of leading this team!

Feel free to join our team discord at: cbrFQnheaT where you are free to send feedback, suggestions, and requests or just want to reach out!

Thanks for being a part of the Nitro Type Police community! Happy Racing!