R2V #11

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Firestorm-, -Future-, Da Blue Piano 13k, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jul 8th Jul 7th Jul 6th Jul 5th Jul 4th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
1 16 94.29% 102
red_flight 19 104 97.06% 2,801
red_flight 55 94 95.20% 7,706
red_flight 45 95 95.63% 6,357
317 87 96.73% 44,057
red_flight 18 81 95.05% 2,406
red_flight 40 111 95.93% 5,968
red_flight 10 105 97.84% 1,490
11 23 92.22% 1,132
3 109 94.21% 437
red_flight 577 85 98.13% 80,775
blue_flight 54 112 89.95% 7,582
9 77 93.91% 1,171
red_flight 27 44 95.73% 3,153
blue_flight 2 111 93.84% 292
109 108 97.53% 16,346
red_flight 2 96 96.30% 285
red_flight 56 86 94.05% 7,543
red_flight 35 68 92.59% 4,347
blue_flight 87 110 94.15% 12,715
2 25 95.33% 215
158 110 95.48% 23,398
red_flight 150 104 96.77% 22,033
red_flight 14 131 98.06% 2,275
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,801 87 95.25% 254,586
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 1,034 89 95.86% 144,864
blue_flight Officers and Captain 143 111 92.65% 20,589

* Days are based on the eastern time zone