R2V #11

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Firestorm-, -Future-, Da Blue Piano 13k, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jul 8th Jul 7th Jul 6th Jul 5th Jul 4th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight 10 107 98.44% 1,510
121 32 92.30% 12,974
red_flight 48 99 96.25% 6,914
red_flight 33 103 96.98% 4,843
red_flight 1 51 94.06% 118
red_flight 63 95 94.87% 8,812
5 74 93.98% 644
red_flight 56 30 85.68% 5,526
blue_flight 15 80 95.61% 2,006
red_flight 38 45 90.24% 4,195
blue_flight 31 108 88.64% 4,229
red_flight 166 88 98.75% 23,637
55 105 97.78% 8,204
red_flight 33 97 96.95% 4,751
red_flight 12 73 92.18% 1,510
4 53 96.19% 486
red_flight 121 102 97.09% 17,734
blue_flight 17 109 94.11% 2,470
62 116 95.63% 9,370
blue_flight 109 110 94.41% 15,966
277 95 97.27% 39,685
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,277 84 94.64% 175,584
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 581 81 94.68% 79,550
blue_flight Officers and Captain 172 102 93.19% 24,671

* Days are based on the eastern time zone