R2V #11

Team name: Rising 2 Victory
Team captain: LEG3ND_YT
Officers: -Firestorm-, -Future-, Da Blue Piano 13k, Koromoto
Daily race requirement: 50
Weekly race requirement: 300

Jul 8th Jul 7th Jul 6th Jul 5th Jul 4th
Racer Races WPM Accuracy Points
10 51 96.47% 1,211
1 93 98.83% 145
red_flight 116 108 98.46% 17,568
red_flight 33 95 94.57% 4,604
13 49 91.12% 1,478
red_flight 19 96 97.04% 2,725
red_flight 1 114 95.95% 151
red_flight 25 103 96.99% 3,670
blue_flight 216 108 87.43% 29,038
red_flight 100 86 98.64% 14,089
red_flight 154 95 96.23% 21,880
red_flight 50 29 86.27% 4,942
29 105 97.78% 4,319
10 113 95.90% 1,503
red_flight 193 104 96.67% 28,371
5 69 92.84% 624
blue_flight 316 111 93.55% 45,977
red_flight 15 74 92.37% 1,899
251 76 97.27% 33,718
Team Races WPM Accuracy Points
R2V 1,557 88 94.97% 217,912
Flight Races WPM Accuracy Points
red_flight Racers 706 90 95.32% 99,899
blue_flight Officers and Captain 532 110 90.49% 75,015

* Days are based on the eastern time zone