
Top teams Most active teams Power racers Fastest teams Fastest racers Most accurate teams Most accurate racers Streaks On a roll
Top 50 most accurate teams ( + )

24H Last 60 minutes 7 days 14 days Star-Spangled Speed

Teams need 5 or more active racers to appear here. The average accuracy of racers who did less than 15 races is not taken into account.

#1 S0RC 96.40%
#2 R4L 96.16%
#3 PR2W 95.99%
#4 R2V 95.97%
#5 SSH 95.89%
#6 TCHR 95.86%
#7 AL3 95.55%
#8 STRE4K 95.42%
#9 P20W 95.32%
#10 TESM 95.18%
#11 REB3LS 94.95%
#12 HONT 94.86%
#13 RZ 94.83%
#14 TALK 94.81%
#15 DTR 94.61%
#16 FASZ 94.50%
#17 BEEHVE 94.31%
#18 CCTV 94.24%
#19 VY 94.15%
#20 LRL 94.10%
#21 INHALE 93.87%
#22 SNTL 93.72%
#23 FRZY 93.64%
#24 N8TE 93.61%
#25 NTPD1 93.60%
#26 RFTP 93.56%
#27 EXTRME 93.46%
#28 NTV 93.45%
#29 H4MMER 93.33%
#30 P1RE 93.18%
#31 BIBL3 93.05%
#32 LNQ 92.89%
#33 1U1U 91.88%
#34 HFN 91.80%
#35 REBE1S 91.56%
#36 DKC 91.22%
#37 XMTYPE 90.87%