Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140

Published about 16 hours ago

Congrats to Smite who won the second chance! Things are getting serious. Get ready for Day 4 - Semi-Finals.

Thursday - 7AM to 9PM (EDT)

Sledge (1) VS Smite (2)



Claw (4) Vs Maul (5)



Published 1 day ago

Day 2 is over! Sledge, Maul and Claw are going the the semi-finals on thursday!

Tomorrow is Day 3 - Second Chance.

Forge, Smite and Thor will battle and the one flight that ends the comp with the most races will make it to the semi-finals. Good luck!

Wednesday - 7AM to 9PM (EDT)



On Tuesday, Epic (166) was left to face the mighty Sledge almost alone. The orange flight completed just enough races to secure a win while conserving their strength for the semi-finals. In the last minutes, Felfu arrived as reinforcement for Thor, but it was already too late. It's do-or-die time for the yellow flight. Can Epic, Felfu, and A R E S find a way to cause an upset?

In the second match, Smite faced off against Maul in a fiercely contested battle. Blaze (210), Godlovesusall (172), and TheChosenOne (80) delivered fantastic performances for Smite. However, it wasn't enough to beat Maul, who benefitted from solid teamwork by Nusakan (357), C3pr3s (170), and Azazel (80). The powerful purple flight has one last chance to reach the semi-finals, but it won't be easy.

We witnessed another epic battle in the third match between Forge and Claw. While Smite vs. Maul was a 3v3 duel, Forge vs. Claw was a 2v2 showdown. Riko (432) proved to be a real game-changer for Claw. Vytrail followed with 129 races, and Slowpoke contributed with 10 races. These numbers were enough to defeat the Hammer Cup III champions. Ashes (270) and 3clipse (149) put in great performances, but now they will have to compete in the Second Chance round, hoping to secure the last spot in the semi-finals.

Here's Epic grinding for Thor!

Published 3 days ago

Ranking Day is over. We're now ready to start Day 2 - Elimination Round. Here are the matchups! Remember, even if your flight loses today, you will have a second (and last) chance on wednesday to get back in the tournament.

Tuesday 7AM to 9PM (EDT)


Sledge (1) Vs Thor (6)


Smite (2) Vs Maul (5)


Forge (3) Vs Claw (4)

Published 3 days ago

It's Day 1 of Hammer Cup IV! Today is Ranking Day. The higher your flight ranks, the bigger the reward. A high rank can also make the rest of the tournament easier for your flight. Click the link below to follow the action live!


June 24th 6:05PM
Less than 3 hours remain before the conclusion of Day 1. Here are a few highlights:

First of all, this Hammer Cup is breaking some serious records. We are already at 2,914 races and counting. In prior editions, the qualifiers lasted two days. Hammer Cup I holds the current record for the most races with 3,586. This means we might beat this number IN A SINGLE DAY.

Now, how are our flights doing?


The new flight dominates with 683 races. Very impressive and inspiring teamwork here! Celestial Knight (384), Brave (125), Believer (89), ChessMaster (55), and AsA (30) are all contributing. The orange flight has every reason to feel optimistic.


A very solid debut for the Purple flight! TheChosenOne (323), GodLovesUsAll (161), Blaze (60), and Comet (20) currently hold the 2nd position. Being the least populated flight, Smite absolutely needs the contribution of everyone.


Claw’s strength lies in the Vytrail-Riko duo. Both have been absolutely magnificent so far. If Riko (329) and Vytrail (209) could count on the support of the other three members, they would be practically unbeatable.


Even though they are currently in 4th position as I write this, the Hammer Cup III champions are looking very strong. Ashes (346) and 3clipse (167) are in a similar situation to Claw, but the red flight has an advantage in terms of depth. DH and HH will most probably step up at some point, which could make all the difference for them.


The blue flight has reasons to worry. Nusakan (331) has been carrying the flight so far, but he will need the support of his teammates quickly. Azazel chipped in with 30 races, but the power-racer Cycix has been invisible. Can Maul win without Cycix? Lou hasn't raced yet either. The dragon is in trouble!


Epic has been formidable with 201 races, and the new recruit Felfu is promising with 70 races. While Thor is currently in last position, the yellow flight has potential. ARES could step up at any moment, and lovejesus is a reliable racer. It will be difficult for Thor, but the tide could turn.

June 24th 12:16PM
Can you believe this? The fourth edition of the Hammer Cup is already breaking participation records. We are already at 1,221 races in a little more than 5 hours! For comparison purposes, Hammer Cup III's initial day had 1063 races from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM

A few last minute changes

  • New racer Felfu has been promoted to Thor
  • New racer Natchos has been promoted to Maul
  • 4 inactive racers from Thor have been demoted to Mine.
  • Our flights should in theory be locked in for the rest of the tournament

Published 5 days ago

**HC IV insane cash rewards. 300M total!**

All rewards are flight-based. The amount of the reward is shared equally between flight racers who qualify (to qualify, a racer needs to complete at least 30 races between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM)

**DAY #1 (Ranking day) = 50M**

  • Flight #1 = 20M
  • Flight #2 = 14M
  • Flight #3 = 10M
  • Flight #4 = 2M
  • Flight #5 = 2M
  • Flight #6 = 2M

**Day #2 (Elimination round) = 75M**

The three winning flghts get 25M each. The three losing flights don't get anything (yet)

**Day #3 (Second chance) = 35M**

The flight that wins the second chance gets 25M. The two other flights get 5M each

**Day #4 (Semi-finals) = 70M**

The two winning flights get 30M each

The two losing flights get 5M each

**Day #5 (finals) = 70M**

Winner takes it all. 70M for the winning flight!

Thanks to all contributors.

PS: The Hammer Cup is for legit racers only! The tournament will be monitored very closely to ensure that everyone is playing according to the rules.

Published 6 days ago

Cash rewards for HC4 will break all records! At least 300M in total 💥

PS: Hammer Cup is for legit racers Only! The tournament will be monitored very closely to ensure that everyone is playing according to the rules.

Note these dates: HCIV will be held from June 24th to June 28th. See previous announcement to learn about the tournament format.

HC4 Preview, what to expect from each flight?


The champions of Hammer Cup III are in great shape. Ashes, the hero of Hammer Cup III, will not be alone. 3clipse, the former leader of Thor has been absent for a while, but he's now back! Let's not forget DH and HH, who remain precious assets for the red flight, which is undoubtedly one of the most powerful.


After coming so close twice in a row to winning the trophy, Blaze’s flight is determined to set things right at Hammer Cup IV. Blaze won't be alone; he will be supported by TheChosenOne, Comet, and Godlovesusall. The purple flight is well-balanced and will be exciting to watch.


Don't wake the dragon... oops, too late! Nusakan hopes to lead his flight to a first victory at the Hammer Cup. Supported by Lou, Cycix, Azazel, and Cyp3r3s, the blue flight could be dominant. Nusakan had a slump in recent days, but fortunately, he seems to be back in form! The only question mark: Cycix hasn't been on the race track for several days. Will he be back in time?


It seems Claw is no longer just a one-person story! The Vytrail-Riko duo is explosive and holds great promise for the Hammer Cup. The green flight still lacks some depth in its lineup, but let's hope Slowpoke, Aquarius, and Roadto150WPM come through as reinforcements!


Although Thor has by far the most racers with 9 (!!), some questions remain. Epic will need to be formidable and set an example for his teammates, who have been rather quiet in recent days. However, everyone knows what A R E S is capable of, and the power racer has shown encouraging signs lately, which bodes well for the yellow flight.


It's a debut for Sledge, entering the tournament for the first time. The orange flight, led by Brave and Believer, has nothing to be ashamed of against the competition. Despite the difficult loss of power racer IBD, Sledge can also count on AsA, Celestial Knight, and ChessMaster, all of whom have shown their potential recently. This flight is probably the strongest on paper along with Forge. Keep a close eye on them!

Published 10 days ago

Hammer Cup IV tournament format

Day 1 (Monday, June 24th): Ranking Round

Contrary to the previous editions, no flight will be eliminated during the first round. The flights will be ranked from 1 to 6 based on their number of races.

Day 2 (Tuesday, June 25th): Elimination Round

We'll take the rankings from day #1 to create three different matches. Each match will be a separate comp in NTComps. Flight #1 Vs Flight #6 Flight #2 Vs Flight #5 Flight #3 Vs Flight #4

Day 3 (Wednesday, June 26th): Second chance

The three losing flights from day #2 will battle each other (in a single comp). The flight that finishes on top will be back in the tournament.

Day 4 (Thursday, June 27th): Semi-finals

At this point there will be 4 remaining flights: three that won on Day #2 + the winner of the second chance. The flight that got the most races on day #1 (ranking round) will face the winner of the second chance. The two other flights will face each other.

Day 5 (Friday, June 28th): Finals

The two remaining flights will battle each other and the winner will be crowned the champion of Hammer Cup IV!

Published 16 days ago

It's official! Hammer Cup IV will be held on June 24th-28th. Don't know what the Hammer Cup is? It's probably the main event in HONT. You can get more info here

Teaser video

Hammer Cup IV trophy

In other news, our great ATRG is retiring from NitroType. There is an ongoing comp to celebrate our friend. Make sure to participate :)

Published 24 days ago

Welcome to all our new members! We hope you'll enjoy your stay in HONT. Please take a moment to read our about page and join us on Discord!

As a new recruit, you will be automatically placed into our recruit flight called Mine. Keep being active for a few days and you'll soon be promoted to one of our main flghts, which get to compete in the Hammer Cup every season!