HONT #21

Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140


Claw is HONT's green flight and is often symbolized by a forest. Its leader is Vytrail.

Claw is a tactical, smart and reliable flight that knows how to win. Masters of consistency, claws seem to always find their way to the top of the rankings. They are also a super friendly and welcoming bunch.


HCI champions

Hammer Cup

  • Hammer Cup I: Won the cup (beat Maul in finals)
  • Hammer Cup II: Eliminatad by Smite in semifinals
  • Hammer Cup III: Eliminated by Smite in semifinals
  • Hammer Cup IV: Eliminated by Sledge in finals

Flight history

Claw is one of the original four flights. Notable racers in this flight (past or present) includes: Vytrail, Zapparoni, Mott Scattering, Starxor, Aidan, Yuno Miles and others.

During Hammer Cup III, Claw faced Smite for the second time in a row. With a limited roster depth, the green flight was once again overwhelmed by Smite, echoing the previous tournament's outcome. This defeat marked the beginning of a reconstruction phase for Claw, aimed at providing support and assistance to their formidable flight leader. Aidan was the first strong racer to join the Green Flight after Hammer Cup III, immediately elevating Claw's prowess.

Name, logo and symbolism

A claw hammer is a basic type of hammer, the kind that almost everyone have at home. Claw is an amazing name for a flight. It sounds powerful and intimidating. I knew we had to use this name for one of our flight. Why the green flight? I had already decided the four colors for the original flights (red, blue, green, yellow). Red was already taken for Forge and Yellow was taken for Thor. So there were two possibilities left for claw: Blue or Green. There were no specifc reason for why I finally settled for green. It just happened. Vytrail and I immediately fell in love with this AI generated image. The leaves, the skull, the spikes on the hammer, the book... It's just perfect!

Other Claw imagery: