Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140

HONT's history

The following has been written by Co-Capt Blaze. It is a copy/paste from our #hont-history discord channel. We will update this page periodically when new content is posted on the channel. Last Update Feb 15th 2024.


Hello! You may have noticed the previous HONT history channel was deleted. I am going to post our team history here, for all to see, as it is more rich than almost anyone here knows.

On January 14th, 2021, Destroyerhammer created his team immediately after reaching 50 races. The tag and name were both gibberish

After a few days, Hyperhammer and I saw and we were like ok.....we need to fix this

So together we created "HONT" "Hammers of NT"

Later that year, the team H4MMER was created and we felt like we were rivals with them for awhile 😂

Anyways, HH and I had both made teams before, with no success

This was different

We hit the lb in March, and thus began what I call "HONT-phase 1"

The following links are notable officers from this era, who we miss dearly

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/xenothaus -StoneHammer, the original hammer officer, who was very active and kindhearted♥️

Unfortunately, i have lost the links of the other original officers, Rule L, The Ban Hammer, and HOP3

However, if you scroll in the SSH server member list, you will find HOP3 there

He joined to ask about an alliance that never really took off

Phase 1 was fun, and proof that we really could succeed. I was there. HH remained on PR2W


Around June, we sorta collapsed. We went inactive for a 6 month period

Then, in February 2022, a racer by the name of Da Vinci joined HONT and started racing. We decided to bring it back. HH joined us. Thus began phase 2♥️

Another attempt to become a stable, kind-hearted, legitimate team, which would again fail😂

In February, Da Vinci created the original HONT discord server

Notable officers from phase 2-

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/hyperhammer -HH

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/joshuadoesntrock - Joshua, who did a 5,252 session, which I was quite unhappy about

Other officers who I don't have the links to include Xlord and Illumination. Illumination may be found deep in the PR2W server member list

Finally, Da Vinci, who's link I cannot find

In May of 2022, phase 2 ended. After his session, Joshua was burnt out and told me he was done. As far as I know, he hasn't touched his account since

But ultimately, it ended because officer Da Vinci left the team with the message "Goodbye Losers" , unfriended me on discord, and deleted the team server


However, if it wasn't for him, I would not be where I am

Additionally, during phase 2, since Destroyerhammer wasn't on discord and also because he was sort of overwhelmed, I took over the majority of team leadership

To this day, I still do not know Da Vinci's motives

It came out of nowhere


We had basically given up

HH returned to pr2w briefly

But then went inactive along with destroyerhammer and I

I had also had less free time anyways

Then, in August of this year, something happened I will not get into. But long story short, it resulted in me having free time again

And coincidentally, destroyerhammer came up to me one day and said "Hey, I saw that you raced today for the 1st time in months. I also did, coincidentally."


Destroyerhammer is like

And I quote

I'm bored

Let's bring the team back🤣

So we did

We basically just started inviting everyone we saw, hoping for a spark


Day 1, nothing

Day 2, a little random account called Nusakan007 with 3 races joins the team


He had made his account that day. The next day, another new racer who had 50 races named vytrail joined

Both of them became extremely active immediately and I gave them officer to see what would happen

They also got top 300 badges within a week

After a bit, Nusakan finally talks to us, with the motd that literally changed not just HONT, but all of nt

Hey guys I've been working on this site called NT comps. Take a look

@Nusakan , my only words are..... just wow 😂

You're amazing, I hope you know that

Immediately, I knew this was it

What we had been searching for all this time

Soon, ntgod, or joel, or 3clipse joined up

And then after procrastinating, I finally decided to make a new discord, with ME as the owner this time 🤣

After the new staff, Vytrail and Nusakan were the first to join. Both amazing people. The server is still in progress, but I have hands helping me and teaching me how to do this now

After a bit, we hit our first day with 3000 races

That was shocking to me. We then proceeded to do it again and again

Our previous peak rank was 16

I thought we would beat it


We tied it


And now that LB is gone🤣

Anyways, finally, in November, a random guy with 100 races, yet a 2016 account, joins HONT

And the discord too

This was officer and moderator @mbv!

So glad to have met axx.

In November, after a fun cross team, HONT formally allianced with S0RC


This was huge for me, because I finally felt respected, I would say. The alliance wasn't about just sending cash, it's about building a friendship ♥️, and also, literally coming together against injustice if needed

Today as I write this, HONT has 47 members, 21, 383 team page views, and 22 amazing people with at least 1k team races

And many more not just members, but friends :)

And I'm sure there are more to come. I will update this channel as needed

And now, I have many many racer links to post😂

First, pinkyone, captain of pr2w, my friend, HONT admin, and my first friend from nt, Who I met on shivtr. She basically taught me almost everything I know about teams ♥️ https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/pinkyone 

Second, comet, captain of S0RC and my dear friend ♥️ https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/cannecannelle

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/agentgarbo. Garbo, S0RC officer, friend, and one of the wisest people I have ever even met or heard of, by a long shot


https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/nusakan007 nusakan, who needs no introduction, but he gets one anyways 🤣. Creator of NT comps, HONT's current most consistent member, runner of the hammer cup, and just an absolute legend

And officer ofc :)

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/vytrail Vytrail, loyal officer, friend , and racer, who always gives great input

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/1015276 axx, loyal friend and officer, who loves to pop in and out of chat at the most random moments

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/bgornto joel, or 3clipse, the life of the party,😂 and a loyal friend and officer

HH's link is posted above, but I love him dearly, so I will mention him again ♥️

Destroyerhammer, the amazing founder of HONT, and my even more amazing younger brother https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/destroyerhammer

A R E S, the beast https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/d8c55356177207bee05aa4f23d7f48d7

Sparklalena5. Although she did not join until the end of phase 2, she raced nearly every single day during my inactivity, and i would often return to seeing her with 3k more races than before. She's inactive, but she is very special and remains on HONT. https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/sparklelena5


https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/snakehammer snakehammer, loyal and fun ♥️ 

Her speed has been climbing ✨

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/starxor starxor, loyal and fun

Brave, or Skier. A true friend and loyal member, ready for anything https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/fastskier

Godlovesusall, always encouraging and energetic https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/vcxdty

Visinity, former officer and fun dude😎 https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/xxfawnansiethxx

Zapparoni. Not on discord, but his names never cease to make me laugh https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/slowwpoke

HYPERION, my fellow NM player (I'm a former top player at least lol) who still makes time for us https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/neuber246

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/keystix this guy isn't on discord and has changed his name so many times I don't know what to call him but he's great 🤣


https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/eba8fcd6c6294ca03618ca2a36b47653 vortexM, our resident streamer✨

Lou, who is so energetic and makes everything fun! https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/lunar_eclipse70

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/natashalm Natasha. Not on discord but she sticks with it

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/atrg Andre is about to get 1k team races so he's going here. Also he's so chill and has 100k races so like...ya slay🤣

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/hotcheetoman11 blubber , who is on break untill leagues, but he's insane. And funny lol. 

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/blazethebird finally, me🤣! Blaze, current captain, and umm, I don't really wanna brag, but I guess I'm cool....?

This channel will be updated as needed! Thanks everyone


Oh yeah and thanks to all the staff, can't forget you🤣 hope, pinky (again), axx (again), dreams, Maddie, and bear

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/mal123wt Ostin, or mal, or stick, the famous player from 2018-2020 who was with us and is my good friend ♥️

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/yrueof and Maddie, who left when ostin left. Another great friend and server staff♥️

https://www.nitrotype.com/racer/nitrotypeisaiahalt Grandson. His time was brief but active

Thanks for being great members