Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140


Robbery was a clever and original comp hosted by Blaze and held from April 13th to April 14th 2024.

In the game, you played as a criminal trying to rob a bank. You had to respond to a MOTD to indicate the amount of cash you would be attempting to steal. The higher the amount, the riskier the endeavor became. For example, robbing 100k was relatively easy since you only had to complete 40 races. However, attempting to steal 5 million was very difficult as it required completing 150 races while improving both your average WPM by 3 points and your average accuracy by 0.5%

Comp link: https://ntcomps.com/comps/586