Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140


Joined HONT on: December 29th, 2023

Godlovesusall is a member of Smite. Friendly, dedicated and consistent, he is a wonderful addition to this team and we are proud to have him on board. On April 20th, 2024, Godlovesusall completed a 1000+ race session, becoming one of the few HONT members, alongside Blaze and Ashes, to achieve such a difficult feat. Godlovesusall also became the second non-officer to host a comp on April 26-28 2024.

3k team races video

5k team races video