Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140


Joined HONT on: March 15th, 2024

Epic is the leader of Thor. For one, I highly appreciate the fact that Epic, along with his brother Believer, really do care about our permanent flights! His input was absolutely crucial when our flights were reorganized following the creation of Sledge. Epic is also helping me in keeping our team pages up to date.

A word from me,

Hi, I'm Epic, I am a racer on HONT and love doing Nitro Type. I am about to reach the Pirc and I am so excited to be racing with this team. They are the nicest and most courteous team I've seen. A racer friend Brave brought HONT to my attention. He joined it and I created a new team. But then I disbanded and joined HONT because I had been hearing some awesome stuff about it from Brave. Now I am excited to be a leader of a permanent flight in less than 2 months of racing
