Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140

Hammer Cup I

The initial edition of the Hammer Cup was held from November 27th to December 1st 2023. 6 flights took part in the qualifiers. These were:

  • Maul (blue)
  • Forge (red)
  • Claw (green)
  • Thor (yellow)
  • Mine (gray)
  • Iron Ore (Cyan)

At that time, Mine and Iron Ore were considered recruit flights and the 4 remaining flights were simply not used. Without surprise, Mine and Iron Ore were eliminated in the qualfiers. Maul finished 1st, Thor finished 2nd, Claw finished 3rd and Forge finished 4th.

In the semifinals, Maul won against Forge while Claw beat Thor.
Claw finally beat Maul in the finals and became the very first champions of the Hammer Cup.

Cup links
Performance from each flight


In the first edition of the Hammer Cup, Thor got the 2nd spot in the qualifiers. They lost against Claw in the semifinals and were thus eliminated from the tournament. v4nowlol was Thor's best element with 353 races.


In the first edition of the Hammer Cup, Maul easily qualified and won the top spot. In the next round, they beat Forge 70739 to 21744 points. Maul then lost in the finals against Claw. Nusakan, Blaze and Vortex formed a nice trio during the whole tournament. Blaze has now left the flight to become the leader of Smite.


In the first edition of the Hammer Cup, Claw had a rocky start in the qualifiers but still managed to finish ahead of Thor, claiming the 3rd spot. They then eliminated Thor in a very close and exciting Duel. Claw finally beat Maul 29180 to 25562 points in the finals and became the very first champions of the Hammer Cup. Vytrail, A R E S and Zapparoni were an explosive trio during the whole tournament. Star racer A R E S has since then been traded to Forge.


In the first edition of the Hammer Cup, Forge barely qualified, finishing in 4th position. HONT co-captain DestroyerHammer was the best element ammassing 343 races. Forge lost in the semi-finals against Maul and was eliminated from the tournament.