Team name: Hammers of NT
Team captain: Destroyerhammer 25k
Officers: 3clipse, Be Kind, Be Blazing, Nusakan HC IV, Vytrail, ✨Ashes✨
Daily race requirement: 20
Weekly race requirement: 140

Hidden Chests

Hidden Chests was an original competition held from March 18th to March 20th, 2024, and hosted by Vytrail.

Participants in the race unlocked treasure chests by completing races. Each chest contained NT cash and could be unlocked by completing a specific number of races. The more races completed, the more chests earned. Additionally, there was a special "Antique Key" that could be obtained by completing an undisclosed number of races. Participants would only discover at the end of the competition whether they had completed the required number of races to obtain the key. If successful, the Antique Key would unlock a chest containing a substantial amount of NT cash.

Comp link: https://ntcomps.com/comps/509