PIXIE6 #93

Team name: Wild Pixies
Team captain: model88
Officers: ELITE-_-AIDEN, _Smasher_, pinkyone
Daily race requirement: 10
Weekly race requirement: 70

Philosophy, vision, and things to know...

My vision is to build a team with high quality, not high quantity!

I would rather have a small team of dedicated, regular, engaged, accurate-typing teammates than 50 people that race once or twice and have no care, respect, or honor.

I embrace accuracy over speed. I like fast typists and typing fast for sure! But truly, I value people who can type 97-98% accuracy most all of the time however slowly over people that are triple digit typists who only get it right 80% of the time. Or less... I know the accurate typers will get speedier in time. Typing a lot of stuff poorly, however quickly, is still typing poorly.

Auto-boot is 14 days. Yes, if you get "The Boot" you are welcome to rejoin.

Less strictly I would like to see all racers average ten races a day. Not meeting this is not an automatic boot but it may in time be enforced.

The auto-boot and daily race "requirement" are to encourage regular racing.