PIXIE6 #93

Team name: Wild Pixies
Team captain: model88
Officers: ELITE-_-AIDEN, _Smasher_, pinkyone
Daily race requirement: 10
Weekly race requirement: 70

Bullying and rudeness

Screen names that are rude, lewd, unseemly, etc. will get you removed from this team.

Screen names that are questionably rude, lewd, unseemly, etc. will also get you removed from this team.

Screen names asking for money, to be made an Officer, getting Gold Membership, etc. will practically guarantee you will not get what you are asking for. Repeated and/or prolonged “soft bullying” of this nature will get you "The Boot." Earn it! Don't beg for it!

Bullying, rudeness, belittling, unsporting behavior, etc. here or anywhere in the competitive typing community or elsewhere will get you the boot.

It is a game, but be professional, empathetic, and respectful in all your actions. Race with honor that you may bring great credit to yourself and to your teammates.